Find the the perfect neurodiverse candidates to thrive your business


Our Job-Ads

Starter 30

  • Advertise for 30 days
  • Company Feature
  • Self-Service

Starter 90

  • Advertise for 90 days
  • Company Feature
  • Self-Service

Nursing & Healthcare

  • Advertise for 60 days
  • Company Feature
  • Self-Service



Neurodiversity Celebration Offer! 

  • Advertise for 30 days
  • Company Feature
  • Self-Service
  • Individual Ad
  • Social Media Campaign
  • incl. 1000€ Media Budget



Early Bird Offer

  • Advertise for 60 days
  • Company Feature
  • Self-Service
  • Individual Ad
  • Prioritized Placement
  • Social Media Campaign
  • Display Campaign
  • Personal Contact Person
  • incl. 1000€ Media Budget

Book a Consultant

  • 1h Meeting to discuss
  • Adapting Recruitment Process
  • Setting Up Neurodiversity Program
  • Coaching
  • Retention Strategies
  • Recruiting Strategies
  • Advertising Strategies


NEOSITY Targeted Recruitment-Tool​

Our tool offers precision in finding high-quality job applicants quickly and effectively. With features that allow targeted job ads, applicant filtering based on specific criteria, and seamless communication, you’ll find the best match for your company. Our algorithm optimizes postings to reach the most relevant candidates, while our candidate management tools help track each applicant and streamline the hiring process. The goal is to save you time and resources in finding the right candidates. Trust our platform to help you attract a wider pool of applicants and increase your chances of finding the perfect match.

Your Challenges

Addressing potential applicants from a specific target group with precision is always a big challenge on the Internet.

With our Audience Network, consisting of qualified user profiles and very precise targeting, we can reach and address your desired candidates together – exactly where they prefer to be.

Your Benefits

Qualified Outreach:

Reach your potential applicants quickly without large scattering losses

Brand Saftey:

Place your brand exclusively in the advertising environments that are right for it.

Perfect Targeting Parameters:

Recruiting related targeting options to deliver the best results: Field of activity, Career-Level, Branch, Job-Titel, Region, Employer, Age group, high motivation to switch, size of the company...

Service + Plug and Lead:

Benefit from our more than 20 years of experience, use our advice, our AdTechSetup and our service thoughts for your success. We help you achieve your goals according to your ideas

Success in just a few steps:

1) Tell us your Goals, timings and Target Audience
2) Fix and finetune your Goals, timings and Target Audience together with our Experts
3) Deliver your Creative or let us do them for you 🙂
4) Ready set go - you are about to go live!