NEA mentorship program - Join Now!

Looking to bring your neurodivergent business to the next level? NEA´s mentorship program offers personalized coaching and training, connecting you with expert guidance and an inspirational community of neurodivergent entrepreneurs like you. Gain the skills and confidence you need to thrive as a successful business owner and make your mark on the world.

NEOSITY and NEA: Elevating Neurodivergent Entrepreneurs

NEOSITY collaborates with the Neurodiversity & Entrepreneurship Association (NEA) to support neurodivergent entrepreneurs through a robust coaching, mentorship & training program. NEA's program is designed to empower these unique talents by providing:

Expert Guidance

Gain insights and advice from experienced coaches and entrepreneurs who understand neurodivergent needs..

Personalized Support

Receive customized coaching and mentoring that addresses the specific challenges faced by neurodivergent business owners

Skill Development

Skill Development: Enhance entrepreneurial skills through targeted training and workshops within the mentorship framework.

Inspirational Community

Connect with other neurodivergent entrepreneurs, sharing experiences and fostering a network of support and innovation

Join NEA's Mentorship Program Now!

Explore the transformative impact of NEA’s programme and how it’s paving the way for neurodivergent individuals in the business world at NEA